Press Releases

March is Museum Membership Month

March 4, 2025

Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during MuseumMembership Month happening in March 2025. The benefits of museum membershipextend well beyond a financial savings and often include exclusive experiences only available to members. Plus, there’s something for everyone – art, science,history, and culture – as the local museum community offers memberships atvirtually every museum and/or destination.

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20+ Local Museums Participate in Free Museum Weekend – March 1-2

February 4, 2025

Morethan 20 Sacramento Area Museums are collaborating to present a Free MuseumWeekend on March 1-2, 2025. This is the 27th consecutive year thelocal museum community has presented a free museum experience. Similar to thepast few years, the popular community event is free but requires advanceregistration and capacity will be limited for each museum. Nearly 30,000tickets will be available across all participating destinations but will fluctuateby museum and/or by day. Advance registration is required to participate in the2025 Free Museum Weekend. New this year, the event is proudly sponsoredby Jimboy’s Tacos, a locally owned company in business for 70+ years.


Tomake the event accessible to underserved community members, pre-selectednonprofit organizations will have the opportunity to secure tickets early inmid-February. Then, free ticket registration for the general public will beavailable on February 24 beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing until all ticketshave been secured.


To reservefree entry on either day, interested community members should visit thisuser-friendly webpage. With limited availability, event registration isexpected to be secured quickly. Should more free event tickets becomeavailable, announcements will be made on SAM social channels (Facebook &Instagram) @SacMuseums.


Localmuseums participating in the 2024 Free Museum Weekend include:

  • Aerospace     Museum of California
  • California     Automobile Museum
  • California     Museum
  • California     State Library
  • California     State Railroad Museum
  • Capitol     Park at California State Capitol Museum
  • Crocker     Art Museum
  • Don     & June Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum
  • Leland     Stanford Mansion State Historic Park
  • Locke     Boarding House Museum
  • Maidu     Museum & Historic Site
  • Museum     of Medical History
  • Roseville     Utility Exploration Center
  • Sacramento     Children's Museum
  • Sacramento     Historic City Cemetery
  • Sacramento     History Museum
  • Sacramento     Regional Fire Museum
  • SMUD     Museum of Science and Curiosity
  • Sojourner     Truth African Heritage Museum
  • State     Indian Museum
  • Sutter's     Fort State Historic Park
  • Verge     Center for the Arts

 All participating museums will be open at 10 a.m. bothdays and the last entry is one hour prior to museum closing time (which could differslightly by museum). Free tickets are available only for regular admissionduring March 1-2, 2025.  And,to make visiting local museums accessible to everyone on Free Museum Weekend,SacRT is offering a free ride flyer valid for on March1 or 2, 2025, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. Riders canvisit toprint or screenshot the flyer to present bus operators and lightrail fare inspectors the day of their ride. Thetwo-day special event also coincides with the launch of Museum Membership Monththat takes place annually during March and is designed to raise awareness ofthe importance of supporting the museum community while encouraging year-longmembership. During Museum Membership Month, many of the local museums areoffering special incentives and discounts for enthusiasts who choose to becomemembers and support their favorite museums and destinations. The benefits ofmuseum membership often extend well beyond a financial savings and includeexclusive experiences only available to members.  The2025 Free Museum Weekend is sponsored by Jimboy’s Tacos. Every adult who signsup for Jimboy's Taco Loyalty membership will receive a free ground beef tacoloaded on their Jimboy's Taco Nation rewards account. A QR code forJimboy's loyalty membership will be provided in the email confirmation sentwhen free museum weekend tickets are secured.

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From Guitars to Monsters and More, Local Museums Offer Plenty of Summertime Must-See & Must-Do Experiences

June 11, 2024

The Greater Sacramento region is rich with museums and popular destinations that offer plenty of must-see and must-do experiences to explore during the long and lazy days of summertime. The community is encouraged to show support for local museums by making plans to visit favorite locations (or discovering new ones).

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2024 Blue Star Museums

May 7, 2024

Seven Sacramento area museums are participating in Blue Star Museums to offer free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve, from Armed Forces Day on May 18 through Labor Day on September 2, 2024. A partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and Blue Star Families in collaboration with the Department of Defense and museums across America

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Lights, Camera, Action as Many Local Museums Participate in Photography Month Sacramento in April

April 1, 2024

Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in the 6th Annual Photography Month Sacramento happening in April 2024. Photography Month Sacramento is a collaborative, grassroots event led by Viewpoint Photographic Art Center

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March is Museum Membership Month Highlighted by Special Offers & Discounts to Enjoy All Year Long

March 4, 2024

Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during Museum Membership Month happening in March 2024. The benefits of museum membership often extend well beyond a financial savings and often include exclusive experiences only available to members. Plus, there’s something for everyone – fine art, science, history, and culture – as the local museum community offers memberships at virtually every museum and/or destination.

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Nearly 25 Local Museums Participate in Free Museum Weekend

February 6, 2024

Nearly 25 Sacramento Area Museums are collaborating to present a Free Museum Weekend on March 2-3, 2024. This is the 26th consecutive year the local museum community has presented a free museum experience. Similar to the past couple of years, the popular community event is free but requires advance registration and capacity will be limited for each museum. Ticket availability may fluctuate by museum and/or by day, and advance registration is required to participate in the 2024 Free Museum Weekend.

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Local Museums Encourage Community to Shop with a Purpose on Museum Store Sunday

November 13, 2023

Complete with a variety of holiday specials and plenty of in-stock inventory on-hand, a number of Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in the 7th Annual Museum Store Sunday on November 26, 2023. In partnership with the Museum Store Association (MSA), more than 2,100 museum stores representing all fifty states, 25 countries and five continents will offer relaxing, inspired shopping inside favorite museum stores and cultural institutions. Museum Store Sunday offers an opportunity for the community to shop with a purpose while supporting the missions and programs of each participating museum and cultural institution.

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From Pumpkins and Planes to Track-or-Treat Train Rides

October 11, 2023

The greater Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s art, history, and science treasures all year long. This fall, many members of Sacramento Area Museums (SAM) are offering fun Halloween and harvest-related events and activities.

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Five Local Museums Participating in Museums for All

July 27, 2023

The Greater Sacramento region is rich with museums and popular destinations that offer diverse and enriching experiences for individuals, families, residents and visitors alike. With five local museums participating, Sacramento is considered as a “hub city” for the Museums for All national access program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services that encourages individuals of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum habits.

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Pushing Boundaries of Exploration in Aviation, Space, and Creativity

June 20, 2023

The Greater Sacramento region is rich with museums and popular destinations that offer plenty of must-see and must-do experiences to explore during the long and lazy days of summertime. The community is encouraged to show support for local museums by making plans to visit favorite locations (or discovering new ones).

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Six Local “Blue Star Museums” Offer Free Admission to Military Personnel and Their Families this Summer

May 15, 2023

Six Sacramento area museums are participating in Blue Star Museums – a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and Blue Star Families, in collaboration with the Department of Defense and museums across America – to offer free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve, from Armed Forces Day on May 20 through Labor Day on September 4, 2023. The six local museums participating in the 2023 Blue Star Museums program include the following: Aerospace Museum of California, California Automobile Museum, California Museum, Crocker Art Museum, Fairytale Town, and theSacramento History Museum.

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Three Local Museums Collaborate to Present “A Stanford Spring”

May 1, 2023

Three Sacramento area museums are collaborating to present “A Stanford Spring,” a limited-time offering that showcases the lives of Jane and Leland Stanford with unique artifacts on display at the California State Railroad Museum, Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park and the Sacramento History Museum. The remarkable artifacts are on display now and will remain up through June at the three participating museums.

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March is Museum Membership Month

March 6, 2023

Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during Museum Membership Month happening in March 2023. The benefits of museum membership often extend well beyond a financial savings and include exclusive experiences only available to members. Plus, there’s something for everyone – fine art, science, history and culture – as the local museum community offers memberships at virtually every museum and/or destination.

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25th Annual Free Museum Weekend

February 21, 2023

2023 marks the 25th consecutive year that Sacramento Area Museums have collaborated to present a free museum experience.

Proudly sponsored by Sutter Health, 20+ local museums are collaborating to present a two-day Free Museum Weekend on March 4-5, 2023. Similar to last year, the popular community event is free but requires advance registration and capacity will be limited for each museum. Ticket availability may fluctuate by museum and/or by day, and advance registration is required to participate in the 2023 Free Museum Weekend.

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From Gift Making to a Winter Wonderland, Local Museums Offer Family-Friendly Activations in December

December 9, 2022

In addition to its fascinating Gold Rush past, the Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s fine art, history, science, and wildlife treasures all year long. In December, many Sacramento Area Museums are offering special activations and new exhibits

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Local Museums Encourage Community to Shop with a Purpose on Museum Store Sunday on November 27

November 17, 2022

Complete with a variety of holiday specials and plenty of in-stock inventory on-hand, a number of Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in Museum Store Sunday on November 27, 2022. In partnership with the Museum Store Association (MSA), more than 1,800 museum stores representing all fifty states, 24 countries and five continents will offer relaxing, inspired shopping inside favorite museum stores. Museum Store Sunday offers an opportunity for the community to shop with a purpose while supporting the missions and programs of each participating museum and cultural institution.

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From Pumpkins and Planes to Track-or-Treat Train Rides

October 3, 2022

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Local Museums Offer a Variety of Must-See & Must-Do Experiences Before Summer’s End

July 21, 2022

Sacramento area museums offer plenty of must-see and must-do experiences perfect to explore before summer’s end. The community is encouraged to visit their favorite destinations (or discover new ones) with friends, family, or as solo explorers.

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March is Museum Membership Month 2022

March 14, 2022

Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during Museum Membership Month in March 2022. The benefits of museum membership often extend well beyond a financial savings and include exclusive experiences only available to members. Plus, there’s something for everyone – fine art, science, history and culture – as the local museum community offers memberships at virtually every museum and/or destination.

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Free Museum Weekend 2022

February 22, 2022

Each year, Free Museum Day typically draws tens of thousands of Sacramento area community members to local museums to experience the fascinating art, culture, and history of the region. After pivoting to an all-virtual experience in 2021, this year nearly 20 local museums are collaborating to present a hybrid, two-day FREE Museum Weekend on March 5-6, 2022, with required advance registration.

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Sacramento Area Museums Offer Special Hands-On Activations and Thought-Provoking Exhibits to Explore

December 6, 2021

In addition to its fascinating Gold Rush past, the Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s fine art, history, science, and wildlife treasures all year long. In December, many Sacramento Area Museums are offering special activations and new exhibits.

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Sacramento Area Museums Encourage Shoppers to Support Local Museum Stores

November 18, 2021

With plenty of holiday specials to highlight and inventory on-hand, a number of Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in Museum Store Sunday on November 28, 2021. In partnership with the Museum Store Association (MSA), the international effort is designed to remind consumers about the unique and inspired shopping experience that exists in one-of-a-kind museum stores that showcase a broad assortment of highly curated and mission-specific gifts. Museum Store Sunday is open to all independently operated museum stores and non-profit retailers located at museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, historic sites, and other unique cultural institutions in the United States and internationally.

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Local Museums Offer Fun & Festive Halloween-Related Activities in October

October 4, 2021

In addition to its fascinating Gold Rush past, the greater Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s fine art, history, science, and wildlife treasures all year long. This fall, and with safety measures in place, many members of Sacramento Area Museums (SAM) are offering fun Halloween and harvest-related events and activities.

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With Safety Measures in Place, Many Local Museums Have Resumed Group & Student Tours with a Variety of Offerings

September 22, 2021

With school back in session and as the region continues to rollout reopening and welcome the community back, many Sacramento area museums have resumed group and student tours in addition to their online/virtual educational offerings.

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With Summer in Full Swing… Local Museums Welcome the Community Back with Plenty of Must-See & Must-Do Experiences

July 2, 2021

As local museums continue to ramp-up, fully reopen, and welcome the community back, many favorite destinations offer plenty of must-see and must-do experiences perfect to explore this summer. In compliance with all state, city and county guidelines, most local museums have reopened in some capacity (while some have modified hours/offerings, are open by appointment only, etc.).

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With Safety Measures in Place, Many Local Museums Offer Summer Camps, Classes & Special Activities for Kids

April 21, 2021

From stepping back in time to learning about artistry, science or the world around us, a number of Sacramento area museums and destinations are offering unique classes, camps and activities for kids this summer. With safety protocols in place and limited space available, camps are filling up fast and parents are encouraged to connect with the individual museum(s) of interest to explore availability.

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March is Museum Membership Month!

February 23, 2021

In compliance with all state, city, and county guidelines – and while local museums remain temporarily closed for indoor visitors – many Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during Museum Membership Month in March 2021. While it is important to check with museum(s) of interest, membership and benefits typically begin/resume when museums are allowed to reopen.

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Museum Month

January 21, 2021

In an effort to keep the community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the local museum community is proud to present a fun and free “I ♥ Museum Month” during February 2021. Coordinated by Sacramento Area Museums (SAM), more than 15 local museums (and counting!) are participating in the engaging effort by offering digital, virtual and/or social activations for the community to experience and enjoy from the comfort of home. “I ♥ Museum Month” is being held in lieu of the annual Free Museum Day, an incredibly popular event known to draw large crowds that has taken place for the last 22 consecutive years.

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Museum Store Sunday on November 29

November 27, 2020

In partnership with the Museum Store Association (MSA), a number of Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in Museum Store Sunday on November 29, 2020, many with in-store and/or online shopping specials. The international effort is designed to remind consumers about the unique and inspired shopping experience that exists in one-of-a-kind museum stores that showcase a broad assortment of highly curated and mission-specific gifts. Museum Store Sunday is open to all independently operated museum stores and non-profit retailers located at museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, historic sites, and other unique cultural institutions in the United States and internationally.

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Many Local Museums Reopen and Welcome Community Back with Enhanced Safety Measures in Place

November 2, 2020

After being closed for more than seven months due to COVID-19 mandates, many of the nearly 30 members of Sacramento Area Museums (SAM) are now welcoming the community back for in-person visits in compliance with all state, city and county guidelines. After incorporating enhanced measures and protocols designed to keep visitors, staff members and the community safe and socially distanced, many museums have already reopened or have plans to do so soon. Some, however, have delayed their reopening for a variety of reasons specific and unique to the museum or destination.

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Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the 19th Amendment

August 21, 2020

Sacramento area museums are proud and excited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment in 2020, which guarantees and protects women's constitutional right to vote. Although most museums remain closed due to COVID-19 restrictions (except for some outdoor activations), many planned exhibits have pivoted to a digital format, at least in the short-term.

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Big Day Of Giving

May 1, 2020

With popular museums and destinations temporarily closed, many local area museums need financial support now more than ever so they can re-open and resume interpretive, educational and/or engaging programming after the shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted. The annual Big Day of Giving fundraising drive leading up to and on Thursday, May 7 provides the perfect opportunity to show support for the local museum community

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Let’s Get Virtual

April 10, 2020

With popular museums and destinations temporarily closed and families currently sheltering-in-place, many local area museums have risen to the occasion and gone virtual with fun and FREE activities for families to do at home. While more educational, informational and amazing online offerings continue to be added each week, a sampling of the virtual activities include the following:

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Join the Fun... March is Museum Membership Month!

March 1, 2020

Many Sacramento area museums are proud to present a variety of special membership opportunities during Museum Membership Month in March 2020.


The benefits of museum membership often extend well beyond a financial savings and include exclusive experiences only available to members. Plus, there’s something for everyone as the thriving local museum community offers memberships at virtually every museum and/or destination – from fine art and culture to native, exotic and endangered wildlife. To highlight Museum Membership Month in March, many of the 30 museums are offering special incentives and discounts for enthusiasts who choose to become members of their favorite museums and destinations.

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Nearly 20 Local Restaurants & Eateries Extend Special Offers on Free Museum Day

January 15, 2020

Nearly 20 local restaurants are extending special offers and discounts to those who attend Free Museum Day. 

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25+ Museums to Participate in Free Museum Day

December 31, 2019

Coordinated by Sacramento Area Museums (SAM), 25+ museums are participating in Free Museum Day on Saturday, February 1, 2020 by offering complimentary admission. The popular day is also the kick-off to Sacramento Museum Week (February 2-9, 2020) filled with special events, activities and activations at various museums. While admission is complimentary to everyone on Free Museum Day only, regular admission applies at all museums during Sacramento Museum Week.

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Sacramento Area Museums Get Into the Holiday Spirit in December!

December 10, 2019

In addition to its fascinating Gold Rush past, the Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s fine art, history, science, and wildlife treasures all year long. In December, many of the nearly 30 members of Sacramento Area Museums (SAM) are offering holiday-related events and activities.

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Museum Store Sunday 2020

November 13, 2019

In partnership with the Museum Store Association (MSA), many Sacramento area museums are proud to participate in the third annual Museum Store Sunday on December 1, 2019. With more than 1,200 museum stores participating across 18 countries and five continents, the international effort is designed to remind consumers about the unique and inspired shopping experience that exists in one-of-a-kind museum stores that showcase a broad assortment of highly curated and mission-specific gifts. Museum Store Sunday is managed by the Museum Store Association based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Museum Store Sunday is open to all independently operated museum stores and non-profit retailers located at museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, historic sites, and other unique cultural institutions in the United States and internationally.

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Local Museums Offer Scary, Fun & Festive Halloween-Related Activities in October

October 3, 2019

In addition to its fascinating Gold Rush past, the Sacramento area is rich with an amazing array of state-of-the-art museums and historic sites that offer visitors the chance to explore California’s fine art, history, science, and wildlife treasures all year long. This fall, many of the 30 members of Sacramento Area Museums (SAM) are offering fun Halloween and harvest-related events and activities – some for families, children only or specifically for adults

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Blue Star Museums

August 29, 2019

Seven Sacramento area museums are participating in Blue Star Museums, a collaboration among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the Department of Defense and more than 2,000 museums across America by offering free admission to all active duty military personnel and their families now through Labor Day (September 2), 2019.


The seven local museums participating in Blue Star Museums include the following: Aerospace Museum of California, California Automobile Museum, California Museum, Crocker Art Museum, Fairytale Town, Powerhouse Science Center and the Sacramento History Museum. 

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